Wartrans Zbigniew Dworzyński
05-660 Warka, ul.Wiosenna 1
NIP PL7971002614
tel. +48 48 667 21 48
fax. +48 48 667 04 34
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Transport Managers
Dariusz Dworzyński
tel. +48 48 667 00 19
mob. +48 604 619 503
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Marcin Wojdat
tel.+48 399 160 733
mob. +48 604 615 579
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Ernest Dworzyński
tel. +48 48 667 21 48
mob. +48 604 619 503
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Zenona Dworzyńska
mob. +48 602 731 972
tel. +48 48 667 21 48
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